Parallel pattern recognition using fuzzy cooperative expert systems

Pattern recognition uses a digital computer to recognize objects in a digitized picture. There are several problems associated with this process. Firat, the object in the digitized picture may be distorted by noise, partially missing or vague. Second, moat applications require large digitized imagea. To recognize patterns under the conditions described above requirea processes which are time consuming and not applicable in real time. The system described here (denoted by PCOFESS) is designed to utilize Arfijicial Intelligence procedures and parallelism to reduce the time required for recognition of an object and to increase the certainty that the recognized object was the object intented to be recognized. Permission to copy without fee all or part of this msterial is granted provided that tha copies ara not made or distributed for diract commarcisl advantage, the ACM copyright notica and tha titla of tha publication and its date appear, and notice ie givan that copying ie by permission of tha Aeeociation for Computing Machinery. To copy otherwiee, or to republieh, requiree a fee and/or specific permieeion. 01992 ACM 0.89791 .502-)(/92 /0002/0377.., $ 1.50