Evidence for visual persistence during saccadic eye movements

Summary1. The persistence of visual perception was investigated under conditions of visual fixation as well as eye movement. The Ss' task was to discriminate brief double light impulses; their responses were recorded as a function of the duration of the interstimulus interval. Based on these data the critical interstimulus interval was calculated, which yielded equal response frequencies for the perception of one or two stimuli upon presentation of double light pulses.2. In the condition of visual fixation the two stimuli could not be discriminated until the mean value of interstimulus interval exceeded 73 msec. In the condition with eye movements, when the first stimulus was presented in the parafoveal region of the retina before the beginning of the saccade and the second stimulus in the foveal region just after termination of the eye movement, this duration was shown to be statistically of the same magnitude (76 msec).3. Possible alternative interpretations of this latter result, e.g., that it could be explained in terms of masking or saccadic suppression rather than visual persistence was discussed; it was attempted to invalidate such explanations by means of three control experiments.4. The main result, the persistence of visual perception during voluntary eye movements, was discussed in relation to the problem of spatial and temporal stability of visual perception.

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