Multiparty Quantum Secret Report

A multiparty quantum secret report scheme is proposed with quantum encryption. The boss Alice and her M agents first share a sequence of (M+1)-particle Greenberger?Horne?Zeilinger (GHZ) states that only Alice knows which state each (M+1)-particle quantum system is in. Each agent exploits a controlled-not (CNot) gate to encrypt the travelling particle by using the particle in the GHZ state as the control qubit. The boss Alice decrypts the travelling particle with a CNot gate after performing a ?x operation on her particle in the GHZ state or not. After the GHZ states (the quantum key) are used up, the parties check whether there is a vicious eavesdropper, say Eve, monitoring the quantum line, by picking out some samples from the GHZ states shared and measuring them with two measuring bases. After confirming the security of the quantum key, they use the remaining GHZ states repeatedly for the next round of quantum communication. This scheme has the advantage of high intrinsic efficiency for the qubits and total efficiency.

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