Haptic Knock Blocks Competition at TopCoder Open 2014
Knock Blocks Game is a desterity game application developed on the Unity Game Engine (http://unity3d.com) which uses the Haptic plug-in for Unity (https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/19580) provided by The Digital Design Studio (DDS), part of Glasgow School of Art, for Geomagic OpenHaptics Toolkit version 3.3.0 by 3DSystems, along with the Oculus Rift DK2 for stereoscopic visualization.
The development was commissioned by 3DSystemsand carried out at the Digital Design Studio. 3DSystems has organized a competition of the Knock Blocks Game at the TopCoder2014 conference at San Francisco (http://community.topcoder.com/tco14/). the winner received a 3D printed model of the Knock Blocks Game.