Ordinary and Delay Differential Equations

Ordinary differential equations on singular spaces, Z. Bartosiewicz stability in delayed neural networks, J. Belair a condition on multi-existence of periodic solutions for a differential delay equation, Y. Cao control of global economic growth - will the centre hold?, E.N. Chukwu asymptotic behaviour of the Titchmarsh-Weyl coefficient for a coupled second order system, S.L. Clark stability problems for systems of nuclear reactors, C. Cordoneanu comparison theorems for disconjugate linear differential equations, M. Gaudenzi oscillation results for higher order nonlinear neutral delay equations with periodic coefficients, J.R. Graef, M.K. Grammatikopoulos and P.W. Spikes an implicit differential equation related to epidemic models, K.P. Hadeler and R. Shonkwiler the relationship between stability under disturbances and uniform stability in a periodic integrodifferential equation, Y. Hamaya on the asymptotic stability of the equilibrium of the damped oscillator, L. Hatvani on higher order nonlinear differential-difference equations, U. An Der Heiden vector field approximations flow homogencity, H. Hermes hopf bifurcation for a differential-difference equation from climate modeling, G. Hetzer shock layer behaviour for vector boundary value problems, S.J. Kirschvink properties of solutions of nth order equations, W.A.J. Kosmala small solutions to BVP's at resonance with nonhomogeneous nonlinearity, L. Lefton vibrational control of time delay systems, B. Lehman bifurcation set and compound eyes in a perturbed cubic Hamiltonian system, J. Li and Z. Lu gevrey character of formal solutions of nonlinear differential equations, X. Liu finite-difference schemes having the correct linear stability properties for all finite step-sizes, R.E. Mickens evolution of surface functionals and differential equations, Y. Li and J.S. Muldowney some remarks on stability properties in functional differential equations with infinite delay, S. Murakami and T. Yoshizawa periodic orbits of the Froeschle's map, A. Olvera and C. Vargas rotated vector fields, global families of limit cycles and Hilbert's 16th problem, L.M. Perko green's matrices and disconjugacy of a vector difference equation, A. Peterson the poincare manifold for the general case of a planar flow, W. Rivera hopf bifurcation in a class of ODE systems related to climate modeling, P.G. Schmidt on second order two point boundary value problems at resonance, M. Hihnala and S. Seikkala separatrix connections of quadratic gradient vector fields, D.S. Shafer. Part contents.