YAG-Thomson Scattering System in GAMMA 10/PDX Central and End Cells

We developed an yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG)-Thomson scattering (TS) system for radial profile measurements of electron temperature and density in the GAMMA 10/PDX central cell. The optical collection system for TS light was constructed from three spherical mirrors and nine bundled optical fibers. The radial positions were intervals less than 5 cm in the range of ± 20 cm and were measured by moving the fixed fiber bundle position from shot to shot. We constructed a multi-pass TS system with laser amplification, which can increase the signal intensity and time resolution of the TS diagnostic system. In addition, we installed the end-TS system using the central-TS YAG laser in order to measure the electron temperature and density in a divertor simulation experimental module in the GAMMA 10/PDX end cell.