Turbulent coagulation of colloidal particles
Theoretical predictions for the coagulation rate induced by turbulent
shear have often been based on the hypothesis that the turbulent velocity gradient is persistent
(Saffman & Turner 1956) and that hydrodynamic and interparticle interactions
(van der Waals attraction and electrostatic double-layer repulsion) between colloidal
particles can be neglected. In the present work we consider the effects of interparticle
forces on the turbulent coagulation rate, and we explore the response of the coagulation
rate to changes in the Lagrangian velocity gradient correlation time (i.e. the
characteristic evolution time for the velocity gradient in a reference frame following
the fluid motion). Stokes equations of motion apply to the relative motion of the
particles whose radii are much smaller than the lengthscales of turbulence (i.e. small
particle Reynolds numbers). We express the fluid motion in the vicinity of a pair of particles
as a locally linear flow with a temporally varying velocity gradient. The fluctuating
velocity gradient is assumed to be isotropic and Gaussian with statistics taken
from published direct numerical simulations of turbulence (DNS). Numerical calculations
of particle trajectories are used to determine the rate of turbulent coagulation in
the presence and absence of particle interactions. Results from the numerical simulations
correctly reproduce calculated coagulation rates for the asymptotic limits of small
and large total strain where total strain is a term used to describe the product
of the characteristic strain rate and its correlation time. Recent DNS indicate that the correlation
times for the fluctuating strain and rotation rate are of the same order as the Kolmogorov
time (Pope 1990), suggesting theories that assume either small or large total
strain may poorly approximate the turbulent coagulation rate. Indeed, simulations
for isotropic random flows with intermediate total strain indicate that the coagulation
rate in turbulence is significantly different from the analytical limits for large
and small total strain. The turbulent coagulation rate constant for non-interacting monodisperse
particles scaled with the Kolmogorov time and the particle radius is 8.62±0.02,
whereas the commonly used model of Saffman & Turner (1956) predicts
a value of 10.35 for non-rotational flows in the limit of persistent turbulent velocity
gradients. Additional simulations incorporating hydrodynamic interactions and van
der Waals attraction were used to estimate the actual rate of particle coagulation.
For typical values of these parameters, particle interactions reduced the coagulation
rate constant by at least 50%. In general, the collision efficiency (the ratio of coagulation
with particle interactions to that without) decreased with increasing particle
size and Kolmogorov shear rate.