Fast and Efficient Algorithms in Computational Electromagnetics

From the Publisher: Here's a cutting-edge resource that brings you up-to-date with all the recent advances in computational electromagnetics. You get the most-current information available on the multilevel fast multipole algorithm in both the time and frequency domains, as well as the latest developments in fast algorithms for low frequencies and specialized structures, such as the planar and layered media. These algorithms solve large electromagnetics problems with shorter turn around time, using less computer memory. Complex problems that once required a supercomputer to solve, can now be solved on a workstation or personal computer with the innovative methods taught in this resource. The book introduces you to new advances in the perfectly matched layer absorbing boundary conditions, and offers you a thorough understanding of error analysis of numerical methods, fast-forward and inverse solvers for inverse problems, hybridization in computational electromagnetics, and asymptotic waveform evaluation.