The development of the gapless metal oxide (ZnO) surge arrester has presented the arrester engineer with new materials and an opportunity for new designs. This situation arises because the gapless surge arrester is electrically active throughout its lifetime whereas its predecessor, the silicon carbide arrester, was electrically passive since it was electrically isolated with gap structures. The prime consideration is one of reliably estimating the lifetime of a gapless ZnO surge arrester under continuous ac stress while maintaining the capability not only to limit surge voltages but also to absorb energy inputs resulting from lightning or switching surges and temporary overvoltages. In this paper we establish a procedure for estimating the lifetime of gapless ZnO surge arresters for ac application by incorporating the device characteristics into design requirements. This method is illustrated for ZnO-surge-arrester elements that exhibit a predictable linear resistive current versus time?? behavior as a function of applied voltage and temperature.
S. Tominaga,et al.
Stability and Long Term Degradation of Metal Oxide Surge Arresters
IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems.
P. L. Hower,et al.
Current instability phenomena in ZnO varistors under a continuous ac stress
Y. Chiang,et al.
Compositional changes adjacent to grain boundaries during electrical degradation of a ZnO varistor
M. V. Lat,et al.
Thermal Properties of Metal Oxide Surge Arresters
IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems.
Current Creep in Nonohmic ZnO Ceramics
T. K. Gupta,et al.
Barrier voltage and its effect on stability of ZnO varistor
Atsushi Iga,et al.
Degradation mechanism of non-Ohmic zinc oxide ceramics