Ditching Tests of a 1/20-Scale Model of the Northrop B-35 Airplane
Tests of a 1/20-scale dynamically similar model of the Northrop B-35 airplane were made to study its ditching characteristics. The model was ditched in calm water at the Langley tank no. 2 monorail. Various landing attitudes, speeds,and conditions of damage were simulated during the investigation. The ditching characteristics were determined by visual observation and from motion-picture records and time-history acceleration records. Both longitudinal and lateral accelerations were measured. Results are given in tabular form and time-history acceleration curves and sequence photographs are presented. Conclusions based on the model investigation are as follows: 1. The best ditching of the B-35 airplane probably can be made by contacting the water in a near normal landing attitude of about 9 deg with the landing flaps full down so as to have a low horizontal speed. 2. The airplane usually will turn or yaw but the motion will not be violent. The maximum lateral acceleration will be about 2g. 3. If the airplane does not turn or yaw immediately after landing, it probably will trim up and then make a smooth run or porpoise slightly. The maximum longitudinal decelerations that will be encountered are about 6g or 7g. 4. Although the decelerations are not indicated to be especially large, the construction of the airplane is such that extensive damage is to be expected, and it probably will be difficult to find ditching stations where crew members can adequately brace themselves and be reasonably sure of avoiding a large inrush of water.