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Ultrastructural basis of the mechanism of rouleaux formation.
Microvascular research.
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Relationship of blood protein composition to intravascular erythrocyte aggregation (sludged blood); clinical and experimental studies.
Acta medica Scandinavica. Supplementum.
A. Kahn,et al.
Developmental medicine and child neurology.
J. Ditzel.
Whole-blood viscosity and related components in diabetes mellitus.
Danish medical bulletin.
M. H. Knisely,et al.
Microscopic Observations of Intra-vaseular Agglutination of Red Cells and Consequent Sludging of the Blood in Human Diseases.
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Red-cell aggregation and red-cell deformability in diabetes.
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Microrheology and protein chemistry of pathological red cell aggregation (blood sludge) studies in vitro.
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Effects of hematocrit and plasma proteins on human blood rheology at low shear rates.
Journal of applied physiology.
F. Jung,et al.
Fernsehfluoreszenzangiographie und Bildanalyse: Klinische Anwendung mit Fallbeispiel
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