Analysis of European Union environmental directives and producer responsibility requirements

The European Union has imposed several important directives in the past decade; the Directive on Packaging and Packaging Waste, the Directive on End-of-Life Vehicles (ELV), and the Directive on Waste Electronics and Electronic Equipment (WEEE). These directives set recycling targets for products as well as encourage prevention of waste. The WEEE and ELV directives introduce the concept of producer responsibility for the recycling and disposal of products at the end of the useful life. The implications of these directives have enormous impact on the product life cycle and how it is defined. They will encourage design for disassembly and alternatives to hazardous substances. Companies will also have to create or expand reverse logistics systems to accommodate the new requirements. SWOT analysis is used to look at the preparedness of companies to deal with the producer responsibility requirements. Most companies have not fully explored all the options. With the full implementation of the directives still several years out, companies need to begin early to plan and create the systems to deal with these directives enabling increased commitment of services to end customers throughout the product life cycle.