A case of equine cholangiocarcinoma displaying aberrant expression of p53 protein

Thermoregulation in sick newborn foals MEASUREMENTS of the metabolic rate, rectal temperature and respiratory quotient of 16 sick foals aged less than a week were taken. The foals were categorised as premature, dysmature, or suffering from neonatal maladjustment syndrome. The mean metabolic rate of the premature foals was 71 W/m2 and significantly lower than that of the other two groups; the mean rate for all 16 foals was 82 W/m2, about 25 per cent less than that of healthy foals of similar age. The rectal temperature of the foals was below 38°C until four hours after birth and thereafter averaged 38.1°C, but it fluctuated widely. The mean respiratory quotient was 0-83, and its value was not correlated with the ambient temperature. On average the lower critical temperature for the sick foals was calculated to be 24°C. OUSEY, J. C., McARTHUR, A. J. & ROSSDALE, P. D. (1997) Veterinary