충북방언의 어휘음운론 서설 (11)

The purpose of this study was to explore the historical development of 56 words beginning with ‘ㄱ(k), ㄴ(n), ㄷ(t), ㅁ(m),’ which are registered in Chungcheongbuk-do dialect, focusing on the investigation of morphological and phonological changes of the 56 words selected. On the developmental stages, the 56 words clearly went through various phonological changes as follows: word-initial tensification of ‘ㄱ(k)(6)’, ‘ㄷ(t)(2)’, word-final aspiration of ‘ㄷ(t)(1), ㅈ(c)(1)’, palatalization of ‘ㅅ(s)(1), ㅈ(ts)(6), ㅊ(ts h )(1)’ & ‘ㅌ(t h )(1)’, an addition of word-final ‘ㄹ(l)(1)’ & ‘ㅎ(h)(1)’, a deletion of intervocalic ‘ㅎ(h)(1)’ & word-final ‘ㅎ(h)(3)’, a deletion of ‘ㅂ(p)’ in front of ‘ㅺ(k’)(1), ‘ㅈ(ts)(1) & ‘ㄷ(t)(7)’, umlaut of ‘ㅏ(a)(3)’, monophthongization(⓵ay>ɛ(8), ⓶əy>e(1), ⓷oy>o(1), ⓸uy>u(1), ⓹ɨy>i(3)), vowel rounding (ɨ>u)(5), vowel raising(o>u)(2), a first step change of ‘오(ʌ)(⓵ʌ>ɨ)(7), ⓶ʌ>o(1)), a second step change of ‘오(ʌ)(ʌ>a)(14), an addition of glide ‘ㅣ(y)(o>oy)(1)’, a deletionof glide ‘ㅣ(y)’(①redundant feature ‘y’ in front of palatal consonants ‘ㅅ(1), ㅈ(1)’, ⓶off-gliding ‘y’(1)), and so on. In addition to these findings, this study in depth discussed some other interesting findings in relevance to the historical development of the 56 words.