Optimising harvesting and storage systems for energy crops in the Netherlands

For perennial crops like short rotation coppice (in particular willow), rhizomatous grasses (like miscanthus, switch grass and reed canary grass) as well as the annual crop hemp all operations for harvesting and storage are discussed. These are mowing, size reduction, densification, conservation, storage and pre-treatment. The requirements for energy conversion and co-firing are given and the effect of harvest conditions or quality is shown. The best production chains for average conditions of the selected crops are introduced for Dutch conditions. However many more different production chains are possible. The choice of the best system depends on the local conditions and chosen optimization criteria. The optimization in the selection of methods and chains is only possible by means of modeling for local conditions. This should include the input of the variation of the weather for a long period in the model. The design of a simulation model for this purpose is illustrated.