The Utility or Otherwise of Fever Hospitals: The Need for an Inquiry

INFANTILE DIARRHOEA, OR EPIDEMIC ENTERITIS. SIR,-The present hot weather brings in its train so much suffering and danger to the youngest and poorest of the community that I venture to remind your readers of its virulent microbic etiology. Its treatment differs essentially from that of other diarrhoeas, for, after the initial sufficient dose of castor-oil or other aperient to remove peccant matter, sedatives are never permissible in the early stages, at least of epidemic enteritis. One endeavours to partially sterilize the intestinal tract. This is best accomplished by giving frequent minute doses of calomel with half a grain of salol, and perhaps a little soda or bismuth. Milk must be altogether withheld for from one to three or four days, and instead of it either cold boiled water, with or without a few drops of brandy, or liquid peptones, or white of egg, both freely diluted, given instead. Recovery in neaily all cases is rapid and satisfactory.--I am, etc., Chester, Aug. 29th. HENRY W. KING.