An Array of Qualitative Data Analysis Tools: A Call for Data Analysis Triangulation.

One of the most important steps in the qualitative research process is analysis of data. The purpose of this article is to provide elements for understanding multiple types of qualitative data analysis techniques available and the importance of utilizing more than one type of analysis, thus utilizing data analysis triangulation, in order to understand phenomenon more fully for school psychology research and beyond. The authors describe seven qualitative analysis tools: methods of constant comparison, keywords-in-context, word count, classical content analysis, domain analysis, taxonomic analysis, and componential analysis. Then, the authors outline when to use each type of analysis. In so doing, the authors use real qualitative data to help distinguish the various types of analyses. Furthermore, flowcharts and tables are provided to help delineate when to choose each type of analysis. Finally, the role of computer-assisted software in the qualitative data-analytic process is discussed. As such, use of the analyses outlined in this article should help to promote rigor in qualitative research.

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