Formal Techniques for Safety-Critical Systems

The overall specification of a cyber-physical system can be given in terms of the desired behaviour of its physical components operating within the real world. The specification of its control software can then be derived from the overall specification and the properties of the real-world phenomena, including their relationship to the computer system’s sensors and actuators. The control software specification then becomes a combination of the guarantee it makes about the system behaviour and the real-world assumptions it relies upon. Such specifications can easily become complicated because the complete system description deals with properties of phenomena at widely different time granularities, as well as handling faults. To help manage this complexity, we consider layering the specification within multiple time bands, with the specification of each time band consisting of both the rely and guarantee conditions for that band, both given in terms of the phenomena of that band. The overall specification is then the combination of the multiple rely-guarantee pairs. Multiple rely-guarantee pairs can also be used to handle faults. Rely-Guarantee Specifications. Earlier research with Michael Jackson and Cliff Jones [3,4] looked at specifying a real-time control system in terms of assumptions about the behaviour of the system’s environment – a rely condition – and the behaviour to be ensured by the system – a guarantee condition – provided its environment continues to satisfy the rely condition. Often the specification of the system’s desired behaviour is best described in terms of the behaviour of physical objects in the real-world that are to be controlled by the computer system, in which case rely conditions are needed to link the real-world phenomena (which may not be directly accessible to the computer) to the computer’s view of the world, i.e. the computer’s sensors and actuators. Multiple Rely-Guarantee Pairs. Our earlier work [4] allowed a specification to be structured into multiple rely-guarantee pairs, where each guarantee is paired with a rely condition expressing the assumptions about the behaviour of the environment needed to be able to achieve that guarantee. This allows one to give separate specifications of different aspects of the behaviour of a system. It also allows one to separate the specification of “normal” behaviour of the system C. Artho and P.C. Ölveczky (Eds.): FTSCS 2013, CCIS 419, pp. 1–2, 2014. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-05416-2 1, c © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014

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