An Interactive Robotic Cane

A human-friendly interactive system that is based on the harmonious symbiotic coexistence of human and robots is explored. Based on this interactive technology paradigm, a robotic cane is proposed for blind or visually travelers to navigate safely and quickly through obstacles and other hazards faced by blind pedestrians. The proposed robotic cane, "RoJi," consists of a long handle with a button-operated interface and a sensor head unit that is attached at the distal end of the handle. A series of sensors, mounted on the sensor head unit, detect obstacles and steer the device around them. The user feels the steering command as a very noticeable physical force through the handle and is able to follow the path of the robotic cane easily and without any conscious effort. The issues discussed include methodologies for human-robot interactions, design issues of an interactive robotic cane, and hardware requirements for efficient human-robot interactions.