Breast cancer risk variants at 6 q 25 display different phenotype associations and regulate ESR 1 , RMND 1 and CCDC 170

We analyzed 3,872 common genetic variants across the ESR1 locus (encoding estrogen receptor α) in 118,816 subjects from three international consortia. We found evidence for at least five independent causal variants, each associated with different phenotype sets, including estrogen receptor (ER+ or ER−) and human ERBB2 (HER2+ or HER2−) tumor subtypes, mammographic density and tumor grade. The best candidate causal variants for ER− tumors lie in four separate enhancer elements, and their risk alleles reduce expression of ESR1, RMND1 and CCDC170, whereas the risk alleles of the strongest candidates for the remaining independent causal variant disrupt a silencer element and putatively increase ESR1 and RMND1 expression. Reprints and permissions information is available online at Correspondence should be addressed to A.M.D. (, D.F.E. ( or S.L.E. ( 129A full list of members appears in the Supplementary Note. 198These authors contributed equally to this work. 199These authors jointly supervised this work. Accession codes. The relevant SNP genotype data underpinning these analyses can be accessed by applying to the BCAC and CIMBA consortia (see URLs). Note: Any Supplementary Information and Source Data files are available in the online version of the paper. AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS Manuscript writing group: A.M.D., K. Michailidou, K.B.K., D. Thompson, J.D.F., K.A.P., J. Beesley, C.S.H., G.C.-T., A.C.A., D.F.E. and S.L.E. Locus SNP selection: A.M.D., C.S.H. and E.D. iCOGS genotyping, genotype calling and quality control: A.M.D., J. Beesley, C.S.H., M.G., G.C.-T., K.A.P. and D.F.E. Imputation: K. Michailidou, K.B.K., A.C.A. and D.F.E. Statistical analyses and programming: K. Michailidou, K.B.K., A.C.A. and D.F.E. Functional analysis and bioinformatics: S.L.E., J.D.F., K.M.H., S. Kaufmann, H.S., M.M.M., J.S.L., E.L.-K., M. Hills, M.J., S.D., J. Beesley, S. Kar, N.A.S.-A., R.C.S., S.C. and S.N. COGS coordination: P.H., D.F.E., J. Beesley and A.M.D. BCAC coordination: D.F.E., G.C.-T., P.D.P.P. and J. Stone. BCAC data management: M.K.B. and Q.W. CIMBA coordination: A.C.A., G.C.-T., J. Stone and F.J.C. CIMBA data management: L.M. and D.B. MODE coordination: D. Thompson, C.V. and F.J.C. Provided participant samples and phenotype information and read and approved the manuscript: A.M.D., K. Michailidou, K.B.K., D. Thompson, J.D.F., J. Beesley, C.S.H., S. Kar, K.A.P., E.L.-K., E.D., D.B., N.A.S.A., R.C.S., K.M.H., S. Kaufmann, H.S., M.M.M., J.S.L., M. Hills, M.J., S.D., S.C., M.K.B., J.D., Q.W., J.L.H., M.C.S., A. Broeks, M.K.S., A. Lophatananon, K. Muir, M.W.B., P.A.F., I.d.-S.-S., J.P., E.J.S., I.T., B. Burwinkel, F.M., P.G., T.T., S.E.B., H.F., A.G.-N., J.I.A.P., H.A.-C., L.E., V.A., H. Brenner, A. Meindl, R.K.S., H. Brauch, U.H., K.A., C.B., H.I., K. Matsuo, N.B., T.D., A. Lindblom, S. Margolin, V.-M.K., A. Mannermaa, C.T., A.H.W., D.L., H.W., J.C.-C., A.R., P.P., P.R., J.E.O., G.G.G., R.L.M., C.A.H., B.E.H., M.S.G., S.H.T., C.H.Y., S.N., A.-L.B.-D., V.K., J. Long, W.Z., K.P., R.W., I.L.A., J.A.K., P.D., C. Seynaeve, J.F., M.E.S., K.C., H.D., A.Hollestelle, A.M.W.v.d.O., K.H., Y.-T.G., X.-O.S., A.C., S.S.C., W.B., Q.C., B.J.P., M.S., J.-Y.C., D.K., S.C.L., M. Hartman, M. Kabisch, D. Torres, A.J., J. Lubinski, P.B., S.S., C.B.A., A.E.T., C.-Y.S., P.-E.W., N.O., A.S., L.M., S.H., A. Lee, M. Kapuscinski, E.M.J., M.B.T., M.B.D., D.E.G., S.S.B., R.J., L.T., N.T., C.M.D., E.J.v.R., S.L.N., B.E., T.V.O.H., A.O., J. Benitez, R.R., J.N.W., B. Bonanni, B.P., S. Manoukian, L.P., L.O., I.K., P.A., J. Garber, M.U.R., D.F., L.I., S.E., A.K.G., N.A., D.N., K.R., N.B.-M., C. Sagne, D.S.-L., F.D., O.M.S., S. Mazoyer, C.I., K.B.M.C., K.D.L., M.d.l.H., T.C., H.N., S. Khan, A.R.M., M.J.H., M.A.R., A.K., E.O., O.D., J. Brunet, M.A.P., J. Gronwald, T.H., R.B.B., R. Laframboise, P.S., M.M., S.A., M.R.T., S.K.P., N.L., F.J.C., M. Tischkowitz, L.F., J.V., K.O., C.F.S., C.R., C.M.P., M.H.G., P.L.M., G.R., E.N.I., P.J.H., K.-A.P., M.P., A.M.M., G.G., A. Bojesen, M. Thomassen, M.A.C., S.-Y.Y., E.F., Y.L., A. Borg, A.v.W., H.E., J.R., O.I.O., P.A.G., R.L.N., S.A.G., K.L.N., S.M.D., B.K.A., G. Mitchell, B.Y.K., J. Lester, G. Maskarinec, C.W., C. Scott, J. Stone, C.A., R.T., R. Luben, K.-T.K., Å.Helland, V.H., M.D., P.D.P.P., J. Simard, P.H., M.G.-C., C.V., G.C.-T., A.C.A., D.F.E. and, S.L.E. COMPETING FINANCIAL INTERESTS The authors declare no competing financial interests. HHS Public Access Author manuscript Nat Genet. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2016 October 01. Published in final edited form as: Nat Genet. 2016 April ; 48(4): 374–386. doi:10.1038/ng.3521. A uhor M anscript

Wei Zheng | Mads Thomassen | Nicholas A. Sinnott-Armstrong | Muhammad Usman Rashid | Julian Peto | Matthias W. Beckmann | Peter A. Fasching | Simon S. Cross | Kyriaki Michailidou | Richard C. Sallari | Dieter Niederacher | Kamila Czene | Ute Hamann | Peter Devilee | Gord Glendon | Anna Marie Mulligan | Graham G. Giles | Alfons Meindl | Thilo Dörk | Christopher A. Haiman | Barbara Burwinkel | Maartje J. Hooning | Katri Pylkäs | Arto Mannermaa | Paolo Peterlongo | Lesley McGuffog | Daniel Barrowdale | Manjeet K. Bolla | Johanna Rantala | Amanda E. Toland | Ana Osorio | Mary Beth Terry | Sue Healey | Alison M. Dunning | Annegien Broeks | Stig E. Bojesen | Henrik Flyger | Keitaro Matsuo | Hermann Brenner | Christian F. Singer | Kenneth Offit | Ji-Yeob Choi | Caroline Seynaeve | Ava Kwong | Sander Canisius | Joe Dennis | Catherine M. Phelan | Heli Nevanlinna | Angela Cox | Robert Winqvist | Annika Lindblom | Javier Benitez | Anthony Swerdlow | Vessela Kristensen | Pascal Guénel | Hatef Darabi | Kristiina Aittomäki | Carl Blomqvist | Volker Arndt | Nick Orr | Thérèse Truong | Jirong Long | Ian Tomlinson | Diana Torres | Anja Rudolph | Qin Wang | Mitul Shah | Hoda Anton-Culver | Paolo Radice | Anna Jakubowska | Hiltrud Brauch | Jenny Chang-Claude | Diether Lambrechts | David E. Goldgar | Melissa C. Southey | Robert L. Nussbaum | John L. Hopper | Roger L. Milne | Jonine Figueroa | Louise Izatt | Mary B. Daly | Janet E. Olson | Fergus J. Couch | Rita K. Schmutzler | Brian E. Henderson | Mark E. Sherman | Nicholas A Sinnott-Armstrong | Marc Tischkowitz | Veli-Matti Kosma | Mark S. Goldberg | Dominique Stoppa-Lyonnet | Patricia A. Ganz | Peter J. Hulick | Tomasz Huzarski | Marco Montagna | Maria Kabisch | Penny Soucy | Gad Rennert | Daehee Kang | Antoinette Hollestelle | Susan L. Neuhausen | Mikael Hartman | Orland Diez | Anna González-Neira | Kim De Leeneer | Joan Brunet | Deborah Thompson | Joseph Vijai | Julia A. Knight | Andrew K. Godwin | Jeffrey N. Weitzel | Edith Olah | Debra Frost | Evgeny N. Imyanitov | Artitaya Lophatananon | Maya Ghoussaini | S. Cross | M. Beckmann | P. Fasching | R. Nussbaum | A. Børresen-Dale | K. Czene | K. Humphreys | J. Olson | F. Couch | H. Brenner | J. Chang-Claude | B. Bonanni | J. Benítez | Sofia Khan | G. Giles | J. Hopper | B. Henderson | C. Haiman | E. John | T. Dörk | M. Southey | A. Lophatananon | A. Cox | G. Rennert | A. Hollestelle | Chen-Yang Shen | A. Broeks | D. Lambrechts | J. Peto | M. Greene | K. Offit | Å. Borg | N. Orr | S. Buys | H. Brauch | M. Sherman | V. Kristensen | J. Long | X. Shu | W. Zheng | H. Anton-Culver | P. Guénel | W. Blot | R. Barkardottir | K. Pooley | A. Dunning | Deborah J. Thompson | C. Healey | S. Bojesen | H. Nevanlinna | D. Kang | P. Devilee | A. Ouweland | R. Milne | A. González-Neira | U. Hamann | J. Beesley | A. Mannermaa | V. Kosma | M. Shah | K. Muir | J. Garber | C. Isaacs | A. Lindblom | K. Michailidou | M. Ghoussaini | J. Dennis | M. Schmidt | M. Bolla | Qin Wang | E. Dicks | Andrew Lee | K. Aittomäki | C. Blomqvist | A. Meindl | R. Schmutzler | S. Canisius | H. Flyger | A. Rudolph | T. Truong | F. Marmé | B. Burwinkel | J. I. Pérez | E. Sawyer | I. Tomlinson | I. Andrulis | J. Knight | G. Glendon | A. Mulligan | S. Margolin | M. Hooning | V. Arndt | A. Swerdlow | J. Figueroa | M. Goldberg | R. Winqvist | K. Pylkäs | P. Radice | P. Peterlongo | C. Seynaeve | A. Jakubowska | A. Toland | K. Matsuo | Hidemi Ito | A. Wu | C. Tseng | S. Teo | C. Yip | M. Hartman | Q. Cai | H. Darabi | H. Wildiers | S. Nord | S. Neuhausen | D. Torres | J. Vijai | L. McGuffog | A. Godwin | J. Brunet | E. Friedman | N. Tung | E. Imyanitov | P. Ganz | A. Osorio | P. Hulick | D. Stoppa-Lyonnet | N. Lindor | D. Frost | O. Sinilnikova | S. Mazoyer | C. Singer | K. Claes | J. Rantala | F. Damiola | J. French | O. Díez | M. U. Rashid | E. López-Knowles | Jason S. Lee | M. Kabisch | M. Daly | D. Goldgar | K. Kuchenbaecker | M. Thomassen | B. Ejlertsen | M. Teixeira | A. Bojesen | J. Weitzel | M. Tischkowitz | R. Laframboise | M. Terry | C. Phelan | T. Huzarski | J. Gronwald | M. Rookus | Ji-Yeob Choi | L. Izatt | E. Oláh | P. Soucy | D. Barrowdale | S. Healey | M. Piedmonte | T. V. Hansen | M. Montagna | T. Caldés | M. Caligo | R. Janavicius | A. Kwong | S. Ellis | N. Arnold | D. Niederacher | C. Rappaport | Y. Laitman | M. Pujana | P. Mai | S. Agata | C. M. Dorfling | L. Tihomirova | M. Hoya | K. Phillips | B. Perkins | Susanne Kaufmann | S. Kar | A. Mensenkamp | I. Konstantopoulou | M. M. Marjaneh | S. C. Lee | Kelly-Anne Phillips | Noralane Lindor | Xiao-Ou Shu | Sara Margolin | Bernardo Bonanni | Irene L. Andrulis | Keith Humphreys | Ed Dicks | Soo Chin Lee | Judy Garber | Yu-Tang Gao | Esther M. John | Matti A. Rookus | Anna H. Wu | Steve Ellis | Hans Wildiers | Catherine S. Healey | Marjanka K Schmidt | Qiuyin Cai | Lenka Foretova | Francesca Damiola | Kenneth Muir | Jacek Gronwald | Jonathan Beesley | Hidemi Ito | Sofia Khan | Sue Kyung Park | Norbert Arnold | Margaret Hills | Siddhartha Kar | Elinor J. Sawyer | Silje Nord | Saundra S. Buys | Ake Borg | Claudine Isaacs | Haran Sivakumaran | Manuel R. Teixeira | Simona Agata | William Blot | Anders Bojesen | Isabel dos-Santos-Silva | Hans Ehrencrona | Bent Ejlertsen | Eitan Friedman | Ramunas Janavicius | Irene Konstantopoulou | Yael Laitman | Andrew Lee | Sylvie Mazoyer | Chen-Yang Shen | Laima Tihomirova | Nadine Tung | H. Ehrencrona | Anne-Lise Borresen-Dale | Rachel Laframboise | Juliet D. French | Kristine M. Hillman | Susanne Kaufmann | Frederik Marme | Soo H. Teo | Cheng Har Yip | M. Hills | Marion Piedmonte | Trinidad Caldes | Phuong L. Mai | Mark H. Greene | Laura | Pei-Ei Wu | Miquel Angel Pujana | Miguel de la Hoya | Lee Eunjung | Sook-Yee Yoon | Karoline B. Kuchenbaecker | Olga M. Sinilnikova | Karen A. Pooley | Elena Lopez-Knowles | Mahdi Moradi Marjaneh | Monika Jarosz | Suzie Drury | Jose I. A. Perez | Natasha Bogdanova | Chiu-chen Tseng | Ans M. W. van den Ouweland | Barbara J. Perkins | Jan | Lubinski | Paul | Brennan | Suleeporn | Sangrajrang | Christine | B. Ambrosone | Miroslav Kapuscinski | Cecilia M. Dorfling | Elizabeth J. van Rensburg | Thomas V. O. Hansen | Rachel Rando | Bernard | Peissel | Siranoush | Manoukian | Papi | Ottini | Paraskevi Apostolou | Kerstin Riem | Nadja Bogdanova-Markov | Charlotte Sagne | Kathleen BM Claes | Arjen R. Mensenkamp | Rosa B. Barkardottir | Christine Rappaport | Maria A. Caligo | Anna von Wachenfeldt | Lubiński | C. Sagne | A. Lee | Sue-Kyung Park | E. V. Rensburg | K. Leeneer | M. Kapuscinski | P. Apostolou | Yu-Tang Gao | A. Wachenfeldt | Monika Jarosz | S. Yoon | S. Drury | Nadja Bogdanova-Markov | Lee Eunjung | N. Bogdanova | R. Rando | H. Sivakumaran | I. dos-Santos-Silva | Pei‐Ei Wu | Paúl | L. Foretova | B. Ambrosone | Kerstin Riem | Chang-Claude Jenny | Paraskevi Apostolou | Thérèse Truong | Hatef Darabi | Yu-Tang Gao | J. I. Peŕez | Steve Ellis | Yu-Tang Gao | Silje Nord | E. Friedman | B. Henderson | Qin Wang | Thérèse Truong | M. Teixeira | A. Wu | Johanna Rantala | Diana Torres | S. Yoon

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