Performance of Drained and Undrained Flexible Pavement Structures Under Wet Conditions Test Data From Accelerated Pavement Test Section 543-Drained

This report is the first in a series of four reports that describe the results of accelerated pavement tests on full-scale pavements with “wet” base conditions at the Pavement Research Center, located at the University of California Berkeley Richmond Field Station (RFS). The report contains a summary of the results and associated analysis of a pavement section comprised of three lifts of asphalt concrete, an asphalt treated permeable base (ATPB) layer, and untreated aggregate base layers on top of a prepared subgrade and designated as Section 543. The pavement section is a termed a “drained’ pavement due to the inclusion of an ATPB layer between the asphalt concrete layers and the untreated aggregate base. Tests on this test section have been performed as part of the Goal 5 Accelerated Test Program for the evaluation of drained and undrained pavements under conditions of water infiltration.