DOI: The basic objective of this paper is to outline radiation doses to various critical organs of an average adult person during .x-ray procedures and clinical studies in Nuclear Medicine. A comparative study is conducted to confirm clinical exposure using thermoluminescent dosimeters. Absorbed doses to critical organs are also computed. Radiation doses vary for different types of examinations and techniques. Repeats of .x-ray and unnecessary clinical examinations can cause harmful effects. Biological effect~ of radiation for pregnant women and her fetus in early pregnancy have been discussed. To minimize radiation exposure and improve quality of image various factors have been reviewed. Routine calibration of x-ray units and implementation of effective quality assurance program can reduce the radiation exposure and achieve the optimal clinical objective. Presented at the 17th Annual Convention of the Islamic Medical Association, St. Louis, Missouri, August 10-12, 1984
T. Beck,et al.
Handbook of selected organ doses for projections common in diagnostic radiology
P. Meier,et al.
The effects of diagnostic X-ray exposure on the human fetus: an examination of the evidence.
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NM-MIRD pamphlet 6: radionuclide decay schemes and nuclear parameters for use in radiation-dose estimation. 2.
H. Rossi.
Biological effects of small doses of radiation.
Public health reports.
L. T. Dillman.
Radionuclide decay schemes and nuclear parameters for use in radiation-dose estimation.
Journal of nuclear medicine : official publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine.