Optically-switched high-voltage bipolar SiC device

A new design of a very high-voltage, single-bias, and optically-controlled Emitter-Turn-Off (ETO) thyristor is introduced. Both the thyristor and the controlling switch are triggered optically using two optical sources. The silicon-carbide (4H-SiC) thyristor is triggered using a short wavelength laser source and the optical silicon switch in series with the anode contact of the thyristor is triggered with an 808-nm laser pulse. In the outlined structure, only a single power bias of 15 kV is required. The low-voltage control bias, typically used for triggering devices in an electrical ETO thyristor, is eliminated due to all-optical control. This eliminates the problem of susceptibility to electromagnetic interference (EMI) and yields complete electrical isolation between the power and the control stages.