Two-dimensional electrophoresis on the layers of cellulose acetate membrane.

Abstract A new type of two-dimensional electrophoresis for analysis of protein using cellulose acetate membrane has been developed. Prior to the separation, proteins in a sample are concentrated to a narrow zone on a strip of cellulose acetate according to “steady-state stacking” of isotachophoresis. Electroendosmotic counterflow on cellulose acetate membranes is advantageous for the isotachophoretic concentration of large sample volumes. The concentrated protein zone is then subjected to electrophoretic separation on the same strip. This first-dimensional separation including the concentrating process is named “concentrating electrophoresis.” Iso-electric focusing on several layers of cellulose acetate membrane is performed in the second-dimensional step. Many kinds of detection methods can be applied to the layers among which proteins are distributed. The novel two-dimensional electrophoresis takes only 5 h to perform.