GUIDE: Graphical User Interfaced Development Environment

GUIDE is an interactive graphical system for designing and generating graphical user interfaces. It provides flexibility to the system designer while minimizing the amount of code which the designer must write. The GUIDE methodology includes the notions of "tool," "task," and "context." GUIDE encourages designers to tailor their systems to individual users by inclusion of "user profiles," allowing different control paths based on the user's characteristics. GUIDE also provides a method for invoking application routines with parameters. Parameters may be based on user inputs and are computed at invocation time. Help messages are created along with the objects to which they refer. GUIDE handles the overhead required to display help messages. Disciplines Computer Engineering | Computer Sciences Comments University of Pennsylvania Department of Computer and Information Science Technical Report No. MSCIS-85-19. This technical report is available at ScholarlyCommons: GUIDE: Graphical User Interface Development Environment Tamar E. Granor Norman I. Badler MS-CIS-85-19 Department of Computer and Information Science Moore School/D2 University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA 19104 May 1985 .-Acknowledgem-;nt:-ThiS reseuch ~._;;supported in part by NSF grants MCS82HH96-CER, MCS-82-07294, 1 R01-HL-29985-01, U.S. Army grants DAAt>-29-84-K-0061, U.S. Air Force grant 82-NM-299, AI Center grants NSF-MCS-83-05221, US Army Research orrice grant ARO-DAA29-84-9-0027, Lord Corporation, RCA, and Digital Equipment Corporation. GUIDE: GRAPillCAL USER INTERFACE DEVELOPMENTE~ONMENT Tamar E. Granor Norman I. Badler Department of Computer and Information Science Moore School of Electrical Engineering University or Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA 19104 Appeared in Trends and Applications 1985, IEEE Computer Sociey, Washington Chapter and National Bureau or Standards, Silver Spring, Md., May, 1985.