Early congestion detection and adaptive routing in MANET

Abstract Ad hoc mobile networks are composed of mobile nodes communicating through wireless medium, without any fixed backbone infrastructure. In these networks, congestion occurs in any intermediate node when data packets travel from source to destination and they incur high packet loss and long delay, which cause the performance degradations of a network. This paper proposes an early congestion detection and adaptive routing in MANET called as EDAPR. Initially EDAPR constructs a NHN (non-congested neighbors) neighbors list and finds a route to a destination through an NHN node. All the primary path nodes periodically calculate its queue_status at node level. While using early congestion detection technique, node detects congestion that is likely to happen and sends warning message to NHN nodes. The ancestor NHN node is aware of this situation and finds an alternate path to a destination immediately by applying adaptive path mechanism. Thus, EDAPR improves performance in terms of reducing delay, routing overhead and increases packet delivery ratio without incurring any significant additional cost. The performance of EDAPR was compared with EDAODV and EDCSCAODV using the Ns-2 simulator. The result reveals significant improvement over EDAODV and EDCSCAODV routing schemes.

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