Aimed at the deficiency in the existing cell-elctrofusion devices such as high fusion voltage and so on, a low voltage cell fusion system based on micro system technology is developed. This system is composed by cell fusion chip and low voltage signal generator, and locating cells by precisely designed microstructure and signal. In this chip, small distance between one pair of microelectrodes reduced required voltage. It has advantages of low energy consuming, small bulk and operation safety and easily compared with the existence apparatus. The experiment shows the system can generate cell fusion signal to meet the need for fusing. It can be popularized.
Ning Hu,et al.
Study of high-throughput cell electrofusion in a microelectrode-array chip
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A digital frequency synthesizer
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Electric field-mediated fusion and related electrical phenomena.
Biochimica et biophysica acta.
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Microfluidic device for combinatorial fusion of liposomes and cells.
Analytical chemistry.
J. Platt,et al.
Biological implications of cell fusion
Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology.