Theories of Semantics on the Web

In this chapter, we explore theories of semantics for the Web. In particular, we first inspect the source of the fission, what is known as the ‘Identity Crisis’ of the Semantic Web, which first became visible as an argument between Hayes and Berners-Lee. This problem has as its root the issue of how to determine what a URI means or refers to. We inspect the original theory of meaning, the theory of sense and reference by Frege. Then we move to theories of semantics that attempted to get rid of the notion of sense, namely logical atomism, and notice its similarity with certain interpretations of the formal semantics of the Semantic Web, even though the formal semantics of the Semantic Web makes no appeal to ‘sense-data.’ Then the famous counter-argument, the causal theory of reference of Kripke and its extension to natural kinds by Putnam is introduced. An extended parallel is shown between this Kripkean theory of the Web and Berners-Lee’s position is elaborated. Finally, we return to Frege’s notion of sense in search of a third tenable position.

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