Cardiovascular thrombosis : thrombocardiology and thromboneurology

Part 1 Fundamental considerations: thrombosis and fibrinolysis, Laurence A. Harker and Kenneth G. Mann pathogenesis of thrombosis, Lina Badimon et al interrelationship between atherosclerosis and thrombosis, Erling Falk et al familial thrombophilia, Saskia Middeldorp et al characteristics associated with the risk of arterial thrombosis, T.W. Meade et al characteristics associated with the risk of venous thrombosis, Cedric J. Carter and Meyer Michel Samama laboratory detection of the prethrombotic state, Piera Angelica et al. Part 2 Antithrombotic and thrombolytic drugs: antiplatelet drugs, Garrett A. Fitzgerald and Carlo Patrono specific thrombin inhibitors, Marc Verstraete et al specific factor anti-Xa inhibitors, Meyer M. Samama et al unfractionated and low molecular weight heparin, Jack Hirsh and Christopher Granger heparinoids, Walter Ageno and Alexander G.G. Turpie dextran, David Nergqvist other antithrombotics, Marc Verstraete stable prostacyclin analogues, Jill J. Belch and Margaret McClaren vitamin K antagonists, Eliot C. Williams and John W. Suttie thrombolytic agents, H. Roger Lijnen et al agents lowering blood viscosity, including defibrogenating agents, Gordon D.O. Lowe mechanical thrombectomy approaches, Alexios P. Dimas and Patrick L. Whitlow the technical aspects of antithrombotic approaches in vascular surgery, Michael D. Malone et al. Part 3 Prevention and treatment of thromboembolic disorders: antithrombotic therapy in valvular heart disease, James H. Chesebro and Valentin Fuster prosthetic heart valves, Eric G. Butchart thrombosis in cardiac chambers - ventricular dysfunction and atrial fibrillation, Jonathan L. Halperin and Palle Petersen unstable angina, David J. Moliterno and Marc Cohen antithrombotic agents in the secondary and primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases in high and usual risk, Patricia R. Hebert et al acute phase treatment of myocardial infarction - selecting patients for thrombolysis, Frans J.J. Van de Werf and Eric J. Topol prehospital treatment of acute myocardial infarction, Christopher P. Cannon CCU treatment of acute myocardial infarction, Karl-Ludwig Neuhaus et al adjunctive antithrombotic treatment to thrombolysis in acute myocardial infarction, David A. Vorchheimer and David V.M. Muller complications of lytic and antithrombotic therapy in acute myocardial infarction, Maarten L. Simoons and Christopher B. Granger antithrombotic treatment in the chronic phase of myocardial infarction, Pal J. Smith coronary artery bypass surgery - antithrombotic therapy, James H. Chesebro and Steven Goldman antithrombotic treatment in percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty and stenting, Michel E. Bertrand and Eric Van Belle primary prevention of transcient ischaemic attack and thromboembolic stroke, Oscar Benavente et al thrombolytic treatment of thrombotic stroke, Gregory J. del Zoppo and Werner Hacke. (Part contents)