Mapping patterns for CIDOC CRM

 Should an E57 Material (e.g. gold) be mapped as a property of an E11 Modification event or as a property of an E22 Man-Made Object?  Should a method of manufacture (e.g. hammered) be mapped as an E55 Type of an E12 Production event or as an Appellation of an E29 Design or Procedure?  Should E22 Man-Made Objects be directly identified by an E42 Identifier or should the connection be made via a record that has an Identifier?  All CRM classes can be assigned types (used for domain terminology) – any guidelines for default choices?  When is it appropriate to create an assignment event when assigning an attribute to an object? Essentially this depends whether the decision to assign an attribute is considered worthy to record. Again this can result in different mapping expressions depending on the judgement.  How to deal with short cuts in a consistent way and link a shortcut with its underlying path?