Measuring graphical strength within the connectome: A neuroanatomic, parcellation-based study

INTRODUCTION Graph theory is a promising mathematical tool to study the connectome. However, little research has been undertaken to correlate graph metrics to functional properties of the brain. In this study, we report a unique association between the strength of cortical regions and their function. METHODS Eight structural graphs were constructed within DSI Studio using publicly available imaging data derived from the Human Connectome Project. Whole-brain fiber tractography was performed to quantify the strength of each cortical region comprising our atlas. RESULTS Rank-order analysis revealed 27 distinct areas with high average strength, several of which are associated with eloquent cortical functions. Area 4 localizes to the primary motor cortex and is important for fine motor control. Areas 2, 3a and 3b localize to the primary sensory cortex and are involved in primary sensory processing. Areas V1-V4 in the occipital pole are involved in primary visual processing. Several language areas, including area 44, were also found to have high average strength. CONCLUSIONS Regions of average high strength tend to localize to eloquent areas of the brain, such as the primary sensorimotor cortex, primary visual cortex, and Broca's area. Future studies will examine the dynamic effects of neurologic disease on this metric.

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