Ultrasound-guided interventions are presently performed as free-hand-type procedures or using biopsy transducers. In this article we report on our experience with a new navigation-system for sonographically guided interventional procedures under OR-conditions.
The US-Guide 2000 trade mark is an electromagnetic guidance system that assists physicians in ultrasound-guided interventional procedures. This system accommodates both in-plane and out-of-plane needle placement. We evaluated this system for the first time under OR-conditions. Overall, for 39 interventional procedures (23 thermoablations of malignant liver lesions, 16 diagnostic punctures) were performed.
All targets were reached successfully without any complications. No interactions with other OR-devices were seen.
The US-Guide 2000 trade mark as a virtual needle-guiding system allows a safe and accurate sonographically assisted intervention. The major advantage is the possibility of out-of-plane needle placement and the combination of flexibility of free-hand-type procedures with the accuracy of a biopsy transducer. This increases the safety of punctures especially when lesions are difficult to reach and/or are situated next to vulnerable structures. It also reduces the interventional trauma.