Total scatter losses of optical components in the DUV/VUV spectral range
Light scattering is an optical loss mechanism, which reduces the efficiency of imagin systems and beam guiding arrangements in many applications of high power excimer lasers. Therefore, the measurement of total scattering by optical components plays an important role for the development and optimization of thin film components and high power optics for the DUV/VUV-spectral range. In this work, a set-up for the measurement of total scattering (TS) is described and the limitations of the different functional parts are considered. The imaging properties of the Coblentz hemisphere, which is employed for collection of the scattered radiation from the specimen, are investigated in respect to the precision of the scatter measurements in the DUV/VUV spectral range. Also, the technical demands for the beam preparation system, the signal detection and the calibration of the set up are compared to specifications of the current Draft International Standard ISO/DIS 13696 for the measurement of total scattering. The study is concluded by typical TS measurements at 193nm and preliminary result for scatter measurements at 157nm.