IMEP-12: trace elements in water; objective evaluation of the performance of the laboratories when measuring quality parameters prescribed in the European Directive 98/83/EC

The International Measurement Evaluation Programme (IMEP) is an interlaboratory comparison scheme, founded, owned and co-ordinated by the Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements (IRMM) since 1988. IMEP-12, for the fourth time in the series, focused on trace elements in water and it was designed specifically to support European Commission directive 98/83/EC. Reference values for the concentration of ten elements were established with expanded uncertainties according to GUM. In total, 348 laboratories from 46 countries in five continents participated in the comparison and the degree of equivalence between the results of the laboratories and the reference values is presented graphically. Samples from the same batch were distributed to ten laboratories from European Countries, which represented their country in the framework of the EUROMET project 528. Participation in this comparison was offered to the European Co-operation for Accreditation (EA) for participation of accredited laboratories from all over Europe in the framework of the collaboration between IRMM and EA and to laboratories from the EU new member states and acceding countries in the frame of IRMM’s ‘Metrology in Chemistry support program for EU new member states and acceding countries.’