Physical simulation of semiconductor devices at high frequencies involves not only semiconductor transport issues but also electromagnetic wave propagation issues. In order to obtain the nonlinear and the large-signal characteristics of the semiconductor devices, an electromagnetic model should replace the traditional quasi-static model in the device simulator. In this paper, the advantages of a semiconductor device simulator combining an electromagnetic and an electron transport models are presented. This study is based on a semiconductor device simulator that couples a semiconductor model to the 3D time-domain solution of Maxwell's equations. The electromagnetic wave propagation effects on the millimeter-wave FETs are thoroughly analyzed. The use of the electromagnetic model over the conventional quasi-static model provides the actual device response at high frequencies. It also shows the nonlinear energy build-up along the device width whereas the quasi-static model provides a linear increase of energy. The combined model is capable of predicting the device nonlinearity and harmonic distortion of amplifier circuits at large signal.
C. Snowden,et al.
Two-dimensional hot-electron models for short-gate-length GaAs MESFET's
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices.
E. Constant,et al.
Modeling of a submicrometer gate field‐effect transistor including effects of nonstationary electron dynamics
S. El-Ghazaly,et al.
Electromagnetic wave effects on microwave transistors using a full-wave time-domain model
G. Salmer,et al.
MODFET 2-D hydrodynamic energy modeling: optimization of subquarter-micron-gate structures
T. Itoh,et al.
Two-dimensional numerical simulation of short-gate-length gaAs MESFETs and application to the travelling gunn domain phenomenon