지역 주민자치센터의 프로그램 및 공간구성 분석에 관한 연구

With rapid development in transportation and communications, and changes in social environments and as the need for a more comprehensive metropolitan administration grows larger, administration reform is trending towards the downscaling of the administrative authority of regional government administration `doing` offices. Within this reform, while transforming facilities and spaces that become avaliable as a result of organizing the workflow and manpower of the `doing` offices, there is a policy direction to enable these spaces to be used as resident community activity spaces and centers around which regional communities are formed through resident participation. As a result of examining the current operations and programs etc. of regional community centers, because they are operated with administrative convenience as a priority, these community centers are rarely able to fulfill their roles as cooperatively resolving the common issues voiced b the residents and the programs barely include programs that are desired or needed by residents. For this reason regional community programs such as regional society related programs etc. that reflect the opinions of local residents, there is a need for indoor facility planning that takes into consideration spatial lay outs specific to community programs.