In Emilia-Romagna, over 32,000 landslide bodies cover one-fifth of the hilly and mountainous territory. The majority of them originated as earth-flows after the last glacial maximum and grew during the rainiest periods of the Holocene through the superimposition of new earth-flows. Reactivation of these large landslides is the main problem the geologists of Emilia-Romagna are facing now. Intense and/or prolonged precipitation play a major role as triggering factors in reactivating landslide bodies, but also the importance of snowmelt is suggested by the monthly distribution of landslide events. Almost all the present-day landslide activity is due to the reactivation of pre-existing landslide bodies. Consequently, territorial planning and geo-thematic cartography are fundamental tools for the reduction of risk. The Emilia-Romagna geo-thematic cartography (1:10,000) is legally binding and regulates land use in regional, municipal and basin plans.
E. Lehmann.
Testing Statistical Hypotheses
R. Carboni,et al.
La frana di Ca' di Sotto (San Benedetto Val di Sambro, Bologna): caratteri geomorfologici, analisi geotecniche ed interventi di mitigazione del rischio
Nicola Casagli,et al.
Geomorphic analysis of landslide dams in the Northern Apennine
Nicola Casagli,et al.
Radiocarbon Data on Lateglacial and Holocene Landslides in the Northern Apennines
David M. Cruden,et al.
G. Pini.
Tectonosomes and Olistostromes in the Argille Scagliose of the Northern Apennines, Italy