Strategic Implementation Plan for Accelerated Bridge Construction in California
Accelerated bridge construction solutions have gained national popularity recently. Strong leadership from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has challenged traditional construction techniques and compelled designers to contemplate accelerated bridge construction methods in the context of their designs. The potential benefits realized by system users are tremendous; reduced traffic delays, safer construction worksites resulting from compressed on-site construction schedules, enhanced quality, etc. Implementing these solutions on the interstates traversing California not only provides advantage to local system users, but aids in commerce mobility from the state’s vital ports to destinations across the country – an integral component of our national economy. While several states have completed associated pilot projects with positive results, issues with connection details in seismic regions remain unresolved. Recognizing this, the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) has taken a leading role to resolve these problems. A workshop in San Diego developed in cooperation with FHWA, the Transportation Research Board, and Caltrans will lead to identifying relevant ideas, quantifying obstacles, and developing action plans for areas susceptible to seismic activity. This paper will outline the strategic implementation plan developed by Caltrans as a result of the October 2007 workshop. Parallels and extensions to the associated developing national implementation plan will be explored.