Recent results on tritium technology in JAEA under BA program

Abstract The multi-purpose RI facility has been constructed at Rokkasho site in DEMO R&D building until 2011. The facility is the first and quite unique facility in Japan, where tritium, beta and gamma RI species, and beryllium (Be) can simultaneously be used. The amounts of tritium used and stored are 3.7 TBq per glove box and 7.4 TBq, respectively. Some tritium water samples of 38 GBq has been stored at the equipment on March 2012. The material of the column of the micro gas chromatograph has been studied to develop a real time analysis tool for the hydrogen isotope composition in gas phase. The calorimeter has also been studied as a possible tritium measurement method in solid waste. A set of basic data on the interaction between materials and tritium has been measured by various methods. The behavior of tritium in Fe and W has been studied as a typical subject. As a study for the tritium durability, the endurance of ion exchange membrane has been tested by using high concentration tritium water. The curves of strength vs. dose for the Nafion membranes in tritium water were well consistent with those by gamma rays and electron beams irradiations.