Large magnetoresistance oscillations in mesoscopic superconductors due to current-excited moving vortices.

We show in the case of a superconducting Nb ladder that a mesoscopic superconductor typically exhibits magnetoresistance oscillations whose amplitude and temperature dependence are different from those stemming from the Little-Parks effect. We demonstrate that these large resistance oscillations (as well as the monotonic background on which they are superimposed) are due to current-excited moving vortices, where the applied current in competition with the oscillating Meissner currents imposes or removes the barriers for vortex motion in an increasing magnetic field. Because of the ever present current in transport measurements, this effect should be considered in parallel with the Little-Parks effect in low-critical temperature (T(c)) samples, as well as with recently proposed thermal activation of dissipative vortex-antivortex pairs in high-T(c) samples.