Cost and sensitive analysis tools for forest energy procurement chains.

Abstract. The primary aim of Excel based cost calculators is to familiarize the user with the various ways that different factors affect the cost of forest chip production within each working stage of the procurement system. The calculator enables the user to investigate how changes in processed material or in the productivity and hourly cost of machines influence the procurement cost of the whole system. Procurement chains are based on chipping at the roadside landing, in the terrain, at the terminal or at the end use facility. Pro-curement cost at end use facility is expressed as either €/m³ (solid cubic meter) or €/MWh. The herein reported Excel based cost calculator programmes were originally developed to serve research needs, but they are also suitable for energy wood procurement companies, contractors and teaching purposes. Key words: logging residues, stumps, thinning wood, procurement costs, decision support, forest energy Authors’ address: Finnish Forest Research Institute, Joensuu Research Unit, P.O.Box 68, FIN-80101 Joensuu, Finland, e-mail: