Advantages and disadvantages of trenchless construction approach as compared to the traditional open cut installation of underground utility systems
The construction industry in North America is faced with the ongoing task of incorporating new technologies and management methods into their operations. New technologies and methods generally receive acceptance very slowly due to a number of factors. The risk of applying a new or unproven technology or method is sometimes perceived as being too high. Trenchless methods allow inspection, access, repair, expansion, upgrade, and installation of most underground infrastructure systems with minimum surface disruption. The tools that trenchless technologies offer range from robots to microtunneling and from closed-circuit television to cured in-place lining. The ability to select from these approaches is hinged from knowing what is available in the market that will meet each owner’s particular needs. Knowing what advantages and disadvantages that the trenchless technology offers will provide an advantage to reach the right decision when selecting the appropriate approach. This research provides information on the advantages and disadvantages trenchless provides in five (5) areas, environmental, safety, traffic, business and cost impacts. © 2018 The Authors. Published by Diamond Congress Ltd. Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Creative Construction Conference 2018.