Synchrophasors: A primer and practical applications

Although the concept and definition of Synchrophasors dates back to 1980, the combination of 2nd generation IED platforms and power system needs has brought the technology into high-visibility in the electric power industry. As synchrophasor technology has matured, nuances of the measurement of a synchronized phasor have been identified and the details of ldquohowrdquo a phasor is defined, synchronized to absolute time, reported, and communicated have subsequently been re-codified int he recently revised IEEE standard: Synchrophasors for Power Systems - C37.118. This paper reviews the concept of the synchronized phasor in light of the IEEE C37.118 standard. Specifically, details of an ldquoun-correctedrdquo Fourier based phasor during off-nominal frequency conditions are presented as well as techniques for correction to meet the Synchrophasor standard. The need for IED input transformer and filter characterization / correction is presented. Simulations of various system transients and their phasor response are presented - specifically, the response of synchrophasor calculation to dynamic system conditions. Finally, this paper reviews application of synchrophasors on the SRP system today as well as plans and needs in the future.