Synthesis and stability of monolayer-protected Au38 clusters.

A synthesis strategy to obtain monodisperse hexanethiolate-protected Au38 clusters based on their resistance to etching upon exposure to a hyperexcess of thiol is reported. The reduction time in the standard Brust-Schiffrin two-phase synthesis was optimized such that Au38 were the only clusters that were fully passivated by the thiol monolayer which leaves larger particles vulnerable to etching by excess thiol. The isolated Au38 was characterized by mass spectrometry, thermogravimetric analysis, optical spectroscopy, and electrochemical techniques giving Au38(SC6)22 as the molecular formula for the cluster. These ultrasmall Au clusters behave analogously to molecules with a wide energy gap between occupied (HOMO) and unoccupied levels (LUMO) and undergo single-electron charging at room temperature in electrochemical experiments. Electrochemistry provides an elegant means to study the electronic structure and the chemical stability of the clusters at different charge states. We used cyclic voltammetry and scanning electrochemical microscopy to unequivocally demonstrate that Au38 can be reversibly oxidized to charge states z = +1 or +2; however, reduction to z = -1 leads to desorption of the protecting thiolate monolayer. Although this reductive desorption of thiol from the cluster surface is superficially analogous to electrochemical desorption of planar self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) from macroscopic electrodes, the molecular details of the process are likely to be complicated based on the current view that the thiolate monolayer in clusters is in fact composed of polymeric Au-S complexes.