Caracterización morfo-estructural del borde occidental de Sierra de Gádor (Cordillera Bética)

An integrated geomorphic and structural study has been performed along the western border of Sierra de Gador (Betic Cordillera, SE Spain). To do this, we have calculated some of the most reliable geomorphic indexes for tectonic activity (mountain-front sinuosity, Smf; asymmetry factor, AF; and stream-length index, SL) combined with a slope analysis. Field observations evidence that most of the topographic scarps that characterize the western termination of Sierra de Gador match with a NW-SE trending normal fault system. These normal faults dip to the West and, in cases, affect Quaternary alluvial deposits. Values of SL and AF indexes applied to the Castala stream catchment area suggest a westwards tilting of this side of Sierra de Gador. Thus, structural and geomorphologic data coincide and suggest that western Sierra de Gador orography is mainly influenced by NW-SE high-angle normal faults with very recent activity.