IN BRIEF Distribution Widely distributed in East Africa, South Asia, and Pacific islands. Size Slender palm typically reaching 10–20 m (33–66 ft) tall; can reach 30 m (100 ft). Habitat Tropical everwet climates with evenly distributed rainfall of 1500–5000 mm (60–200 in); prefers elevations 0–900 m (0–2950 ft). Vegetation Generally found in cultivation together with other cultivated species or semi-wild together with wet climate flora. Soils Adapted to a wide range of soil types, although thorough drainage and high moistureholding capacity are required. Growth rate Moderate, about 0.5 m/yr (20 in/ yr). Main agroforestry uses Crop shade, homegarden. Main products Seeds (masticant). Yields Kernel yield is estimated at 2.5–8 kg per palm (5.5–17.6 lb/palm) annually. Intercropping Frequently grown together with shortand long-term crops. Invasive potential Although it can spread by seed, it is not considered to be an invasive species. Species Profiles for Pacific Island Agroforestry August 2006 ver. 1.3
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