Evaluating the integration of wind power into distribution networks by using Monte Carlo simulation

Abstract This paper provides a probabilistic method to assess the impact of wind turbines (WTs) integration into distribution networks within a market environment. Combined Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) technique and market-based optimal power flow (OPF) are used to maximize the social welfare by integrating demand side management (DSM) scheme considering different combinations of wind generation and load demand over a year. MCS is used to model the uncertainties related to the stochastic variations of wind power generation and load demand. The market-based OPF is solved by using step-controlled primal dual interior point method considering network constraints. The method is conceived for distribution network operators (DNOs) in order to evaluate the effect of WTs integration into the network. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated with an 84-bus 11.4 kV radial distribution system.

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