Status of Helium Supplying System Construction with a High Heat Flux Test Facility

Abstract A scaled-down Helium Supplying System (HeSS), which is linked with an electron beam heat load facility, has been constructed in Korea. HeSS is designed to supply a high temperature and high pressure helium gas flow into the first wall mock-ups of the HCCR TBM. The electron beam facility (KoHLT-EB) is connected with HeSS to apply a high heat load (up to 5 MW/m2 at 300×200 mm2) to the first wall mock-up target. A heat load test, with a constant heat flux of 0.3 to 0.5 MW/m2, with the first wall mock-up is scheduled under inlet conditions of 8 MPa, 300 °C, and a 0.5 kg/s helium flow rate, which is based on the operating condition of HCCR in 2013.