Growth cone motility: substratum-bound molecules, cytoplasmic [Ca2+] and Ca(2+)-regulated proteins.

Publisher Summary Embryonic growth cones, especially those pioneers that first establish axonal pathways, actively navigate as they penetrate intervening tissues on their way to their target regions. By saying navigate, it is proposed that the nerve growth cone is a sensory-effector system, involving the surface expression of cell surface receptors for environmental molecules that serve as cues or signals. This chapter presents some of the investigations of this navigational hypothesis for growth cone behavior. The behaviors of growth cone are analyzed at boundaries between combinations of permissive and inhibitory substratum bound molecules. In addition, the involvement of one cytoplasmic regulatory factor is investigated, namely cytoplasmic [Ca 2+ ], in controlling growth cone behaviors. The results suggest that (1) growth cone behavior changes at boundaries among substratum-adsorbed molecules, (2) interactions with surface bound molecules can trigger changes in growth cone [Ca 2+ ], (3) recurrent spikes of cytoplasmic [Ca 2+ ] can be generated in growth cones, and (4) growth cones contain Ca 2+ -regulated proteins that control the organization and functions of actin filaments.

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