The SAGE handbook of research management
SECTION I: GETTING STARTED Preparing for a Research Career - David Stone and Robert Gutierrez Planning and Project Management - Bob Anderson Responding to a Call - Rajika Bhandari and Jonah Kokodyniak Getting Funded for the First Time - Daniella Sarnoff Winning Large Grants - Paul Martin Developing a Project and Choosing a Funder - Amarjit Kaur SECTION II: DEVELOPING THE PROPOSAL Developing and Managing Budgets - John Koprowski Supporting Management with Technology - Zachary Zinn Incorporating Gender and Diversity - Lut Mergaert and Maxime Forest Securing Access - Oscar Salemink Considering Ethics for Social Science Research - Michelle McGinn Managing Researcher Safety - Desmond Arias SECTION III: GETTING ORGANIZED Organizing and Managing Research - Josh DeWind Engaging the University Administration - Mike Saks Collaborating Across Disciplines - Michael Davis Developing and Executing Cross-National Projects - Ivy Bourgeault, Yvonne James and Corinne Packer SECTION IV: MANAGING IN DIFFERENT ENVIRONMENTS Succeeding in a European Research Environment: Eleven Lessons from Denmark - Maja Horst and Alan Irwin Negotiating in a US University Environment - Barbara Stallings Managing Research in a Developing Country - Hy Van Luong Promoting Research and Development in Large Organisations - Michael Hewitt Working Outside Universities - Josefina Card Managing the Private-Sector Research Project - Sam Ladner SECTION V: MANAGING THE PEOPLE Promoting Teamwork, from Within and from Afar - Mark VanLandingham Enacting Leadership in Research Programmes - Graeme Currie Surviving and Progressing as a Research Fellow - Sarah Dyer and Kate Weiner Making Best Use of Research Administrators - Sophie Dale-Black Hiring, Integrating and Removing Team Members - Erin Johnson Mentoring, Appraising, Ensuring Professional Development and Evaluating Performance - Judith Tanur SECTION VI: PLANNING FOR IMPACT Achieving an Impact - Caitlin Porter and Michael Hewitt Exchanging Knowledge in the Humanities and Social Sciences - Lisa Mooney Marketing the Team - Neil Robinson Planning for Publications - Mary-Lea Awanohara Mobilizing and Disseminating Research Findings Through Informal Mechanisms - Anil Deolalikar SECTION VII: DELIVERING IMPACT Planning and Executing "the Book" - Frank Baldwin Working with Print and Online Journalism - Charles Burress Working with the Broadcast Media - Toby Murcott Crafting Strategic Events to Strengthen Research Outputs and Disseminate Results - Nicole Restrick Levit Using Graphics in Print and Presentations - Steve Kosslyn SECTION VIII: BEYOND THE CURRENT PROJECT Developing a Research Strategy at a Research Intensive University: A Pro Vice Chancellor's Perspective - Teresa Rees Using Research Process to Improve Research Practice - Jacqueline Williams Kaye Moving on? - Barbara Czarniawska